Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (2025)

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Dolphin Progress Report: September and October 2021

Écrit par MayImilae, JMC47 le 13 novembre 2021

/ Dernier changement le 15 février 2023 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (1) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (2)

It's the beginning of the month and time for another Dolphin Progress Report! ...That line doesn't exactly work when it's midway through the month, huh? This Progress Report ended up being a very technically challenging report to write with several huge rabbit holes that go through the history of Dolphin and the games themselves. The first rabbit hole showcases TMEM, the GameCube and Wii's texture cache. Dolphin's approach to emulating this bit of the hardware has been to effectively ignore it exists. Trying to even begin to rectify the problems with …

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Cet article est n°69 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • android
  • bugfix
  • cheats
  • mac
  • new feature
  • performance
  • progress report
  • technical
  • ui
  • video


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Dolphin Progress Report: August 2021

Écrit par MayImilae, JMC47 le 7 septembre 2021

/ Dernier changement le 7 septembre 2021 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (3) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (4)

Many gaming communities over the years have reached out to thank emulator developers for their efforts. Emulators are an important part of many classic game communities and give players access to features like netplay multiplayer, modding, and savestates, while also opening up the doors to enhancements not possible on console. Sometimes it's simply more convenient to use an emulator that runs on your desktop, tablet, or phone rather than to dig out and hook up the original console every time you want to play one of your favorite games. However, it's …

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Cet article est n°68 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • Graphics
  • JIT
  • Netplay
  • bugfix
  • performance
  • progress report
  • speedrun
  • technical
  • video


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Dolphin Progress Report: June and July 2021

Écrit par JMC47 le 1 août 2021

/ Dernier changement le 1 août 2021 / URL courte

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (5) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (6)

Emulation is often seen as this suspect gray area of gaming that is tolerated but always on the edge. There's a lot of negativity and questions around the merit and purpose of emulation. In contrast to that narrative, the overwhelmingly positive reaction to some of the features added the last few months, including heartfelt reactions from users, make all of the challenges and struggles so much easier.

As we drift further from the heyday of the GameCube and Wii, we've been seeing a greater impact not only on the past generations …

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Séries d'articles

Cet article est n°67 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • ARM
  • GBA
  • JIT
  • Qt
  • Wiimote
  • android
  • audio
  • ax-hle
  • bounding box
  • bugfix
  • controller
  • dsp-hle
  • dvd timings
  • mac
  • memory card
  • new feature
  • progress report
  • rendering
  • ui
  • updater


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mGBA Integration: Introducing the Integrated GBA

Écrit par JMC47 le 21 juillet 2021

/ Dernier changement le 28 juillet 2021 / URL courte

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (7) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (8)

Your eyes are not deceiving you. As of 5.0-14690, Dolphin now has mGBA directly built into it as a new way to handle Game Boy Advance connectivity with GameCube titles. For those who don't know, mGBA is the most renowned and accurate GBA emulator of this era and has been rapidly improving since its inception. Recently, we wrote about mGBA adding support for our TCP GBA protocol, but this is something completely new. With integration and synchronization work done by bonta, connecting your favorite GameCube titles …

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  • GBA
  • bugfix
  • linking
  • multiplayer
  • netplay
  • sonic
  • video
  • zelda


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Dolphin MEGA Progress Report: April and May 2021

Écrit par JMC47, MayImilae le 6 juin 2021

/ Dernier changement le 31 juillet 2021 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (9) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (10)

After finishing up the macOS M1 article the blog staff took a little break. Then they saw the date.

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (11)

Upon looking at the actual changelog, however, something became readily apparent: this wasn't going to be just a Progress Report; this was going to be a MEGA Progress Report. The long rumored time era of developers merging everything at once had finally come to pass. We have graphical fixes for Super Mario Galaxy and Luigi's Mansion, crash fixes for …

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Séries d'articles

Cet article est n°66 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • DevDiary
  • Factor5
  • GBA
  • JIT
  • android
  • arm
  • bounding box
  • bugfix
  • performance
  • progress report
  • technical
  • video


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Temptation of the Apple: Dolphin on macOS M1

Écrit par JMC47, MayImilae le 24 mai 2021

/ Dernier changement le 3 juin 2021 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (12) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (13)

From the announcement made on November 10th, 2020, users have had high hopes for the new Apple M1 devices. With its powerful Apple Silicon processor smashing benchmarks all over the place, users and developers were both asking if a native Dolphin build would be possible. Now we have the answer.

Apple's M1 hardware is incredibly powerful and excels at running Dolphin. This announcement has been in the works for some time, eagle eyed users may have noticed that earlier this month macOS builds were now being designated as "Intel". That's because …

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  • CI
  • JIT
  • Netplay
  • arm
  • mac
  • performance


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mGBA and Dolphin Connectivity

Écrit par JMC47 le 24 avril 2021

/ Dernier changement le 24 avril 2021 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (14) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (15)

Connecting multiple emulators together is a complicated and difficult task. This task becomes even more difficult when you consider connecting two different emulators together. You have to understand two different consoles, how these systems communicate with each other, adapt to latency restrictions, and have expertise across two different projects. In the case of GameCube to Game Boy Advance connectivity, we are incredibly lucky to have had talented developers from both GBA and GameCube circles create our current protocol for supporting "GBA" controllers. Dolphin's GBA connectivity has stagnated for some time with …

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  • GBA
  • bugfix
  • video


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Dolphin Progress Report: February and March 2021

Écrit par JMC47, MayImilae le 5 avril 2021

/ Dernier changement le 5 avril 2021 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (16) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (17)

Sometimes the introductions to the Progress Reports are the hardest part to write. The Dolphin Blog has been running for many years, and we've gone through hundreds of changes that affect thousands of titles. We've gone into detail on all kinds of games, from top sellers on the consoles to obscure titles that most of us wouldn't have known existed if not for some random bug report. Despite all of these exciting changes, despite seemingly seeing it all over the years, we still see things that amaze us. The GameCube and …

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Séries d'articles

Cet article est n°65 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • Devdiary
  • Software Renderer
  • android
  • bugfix
  • new feature
  • progress report


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Dolphin Progress Report: December 2020 and January 2021

Écrit par MayImilae, JMC47 le 11 février 2021

/ Dernier changement le 10 septembre 2022 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (18) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (19)

Welcome to the Dolphin Progress Report for December 2020 and January 2021! Things ended up running a little behind for this report due to some technical details that we needed to hammer out for a few of these entries. We on the blog team are familiar with the emulator, however there are a lot of technical details that are simply beyond our expertise. Going from things like the AArch64 JIT to GUI changes to IOS updates to game patches that go into low-level hardware behavior is enough to make anyone's head …

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Cet article est n°64 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • DS
  • Ubisoft
  • Wiimote
  • android
  • audio
  • bugfix
  • new feature
  • progress report
  • technical
  • ui


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Dolphin Progress Report: October and November 2020

Écrit par MayImilae, JMC47 le 10 décembre 2020

/ Dernier changement le 10 décembre 2020 / URL courte / Discussion sur le forum

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (20) Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (21)

The past two months have been quite busy with a lot of features and fixes spread out between a lot of contributors, new and old. It's only fitting then that we've seen some important fixes for ancient bugs and new ideas bringing in new features. Even if the game you've been playing is already running fine, developers are hard at work coming up with ways to make things even better. Take for instance a new infrastructure that allows Custom Texture Packs to customize what controls show up in games depending on …

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Séries d'articles

Cet article est n°63 de la série Dolphin Progress Report. ‹ Article précédent de la série / Article suivant de la série ›


  • Feature Removal
  • bugfix
  • controller
  • new feature
  • progress report
  • ui
  • video


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Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (22)Vous pouvez utiliser - pour exclure des mots ou des phrases, "les guillemets" pour rechercher des phrases complètes, et les opérateurs booléens AND/OR combinés avec des parenthèses pour les recherches complexes.

Émulateur Dolphin - Résultats de la recherche pour 'gol de chilena de victor hugo aristizabal ante perú' (2025)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 5915

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.